the miser and his gold
once upon a time there was a miser. he hidhis gold under a tree. every week he used to dig it up.
one night a robber stole all the gold. whenthe miser came again, he found nothing but an empty hole.
he was surprised, and then burst the neighbors gathered around him.
he told them how he used to come and visithis gold.
did you ever take any of itout?" asked one of them. "no," he said, "i only came tolook at it.
then come again and look at the hole," said theneighbor, "it will be the same as looking at the gold."
守財奴。 很久很久以前,乙個守財奴把他肆無忌憚的金塊埋在一棵樹下,每週他都會去挖他看看。
一天晚上,乙個小偷挖出了所有的金塊。 當斯克魯奇回來檢視它時,他發現除了乙個空洞之外什麼都沒有。
斯克魯奇捶胸頓足,痛哭流涕。 哭泣的李棗生引來了鄰居們,他告訴他們這裡有他的金塊。
問為什麼後,鄰居問:“你用過這些金塊嗎? “不,”他說,“我只是時不時地來看冰雹。 “好吧,那你以後再回到這個山洞裡去吧,”鄰居說,“就像以前有金塊的時候一樣。 ”
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