將句子改為被動語態謝謝。 緊急

發布 教育 2024-02-08
  1. 匿名使用者2024-02-05

    people object to being made to work hard.注意用物件的用法去做,make 會加到

    more money is being spent on food now than was spent ten years ago.

    bought during the sale cannot be exchanged.

    hate being made fun of ,though i don't mind being teased.

    attention is being paid to present movements in the international money market.

  2. 匿名使用者2024-02-04

    were not spoken by people in france.

    kind of shoes was sold by them in this shop last week.

    story was written by gina last night.

    uniform must be worn (by us) on weekdays.

    bike can’t be repaired by them in that shop.

    baby should be taken good care of by you.

    以上句子都是主謂賓語都能看清楚的簡單句子。 當主動語態轉換為被動語態時,原賓語一般用主語的過去分詞+賓語+be+謂語(原主動語態的主語)代替。

    例如,在示例 3 中,gina 是主語,written 是謂語,story 是賓語。 當它變得被動時,故事是主語,謂語不方便而成為被動

    be+write written 的過去分詞,gina 變成賓語。

    寫故事的動作的傳送者是吉娜,故事是動作的承載者,它被寫出來。 因此,當故事是主語時,謂語動詞是被動形式,而當吉娜是主語時,謂語動詞是主動形式。

  3. 匿名使用者2024-02-03


