temple 的英文單詞是:temple。
含義:它的意思是“寺廟”,通常指的是乙個獻給宗教或神靈的地方。 Temple 在英語中也用於指代人體的寺廟,以及行業、組織等的總部。
用法:temple通常用作名詞,笑聲作為主語、賓語或謂語放在句子中。 例如:
1、the ancient temple has a long history and is a must-visit place for tourists.(這座古老的寺廟歷史悠久,是遊客必看的景點。 )
2、he felt a sharp pain in his temple when the ball hit his head.(當球擊中他的頭部時,他感到太陽穴劇烈疼痛。 )
化合物: 1.廟鐘:廟鐘。
3. 寺廟大院:寺廟公園。
1、the temple is the center of local religious worship.(這座寺廟是當地宗教崇拜的中心。 )
2、the temple was destroyed during the war, but has since been rebuilt.(這座寺廟在戰爭中被摧毀,但現在已經重建。 )
3、the incense in the temple filled the room with a fragrant scent.(寺廟的香味瀰漫在房間裡,散發出濃郁的香氣。 )
4、she pressed her fingers against her temple to ease the headache.(她將手指按在太陽穴上以緩解頭痛。 )
5、the company’s temple is located in the central business district of the city.(公司總部設在該市的**商業區。 )
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