labor day you soon, we are very happy family, as the labor day holiday, we are prepared to go to hong kong and guangzhou zoo. i want to go take a look at the koala koala lovely and lively monkey, elephant, there are also many lovely animals. i will and passion for animals pictures, because my father is a camera person who will, according to the phase he is very good-looking.
翻譯:快到五一勞動節了,我們一家人很開心,因為五一假期,我們要去廣州的湘江動物園。 我想看看可愛的考拉考拉,猴子,愚蠢的大象,還有那麼多可愛的小動物。
我一定會和動物們合影,因為我爸爸是乙個非常好的攝影師,他拍的照片也很好。 我們將度過乙個快樂的五一假期。
每年的5月1日,是國際勞動節,在這一天,全世界的工人都可以放假休息。 他們辛苦工作了一年,在這一天短暫休息! 肢體判斷。
may 1 each year is international labor day, this day, workers throughout the world can be a holiday break. they tired of the one-year short-term in this day of rest!
1)宋代著名女作詞家李清照和丈夫趙明成志同道合,經常互相唱歌。有一次趙明誠掏心掏空,寫了一首七字迴圈詩,李清照看完之後,不假思索,立馬就寫了一首七字回文詩,趙明誠看了看,忍不住躬身行禮。 請寫趙明誠的七字迴圈詩。 >>>More
1.地球是乙個球體。 地球平均半徑為6,371公里,表面積為1億平方公里,赤道周長約為40,000公里。 >>>More