monther:''why do you just eat the money i give you?'' son:
well,you say it my lunch money!''母親:“你為什麼要吃我給你的錢?
兒子不屑地對父親說:“坐這種車的人,肚子裡一定沒有知識! 」
注意:你對事物的看法是否也反映了你真實的內在態度? )
after his father five-star hotel door and saw a very luxury imported cars.
son of disdain for his father, said: "the people who take such a vehicle, necessarily moyouxuewen stomach!"
father answered lightly: say such things, certainly no money pocket
note: your view of things, is not it also reflects the real attitude of your heart?)
a schoolteacher used to take a short nap every afternoon.有一位老師每天下午都要打個盹。 when his pupils asked him why he did so, he said that he went to dreamland to meet ancient sages.
當他的學生問他發生了什麼事時,他回答說他在夢中去見了古代聖徒。 one extremely hot day some of his pupils fell asleep in the classroom. when the school-teacher chided them, they said, "we went to meet the sages in dreamland.
有一天,天氣很熱,幾個學生在教室裡睡著了。 當老師責備他們時,他們說:“我們去見夢中的聖人。
what did they say?" demanded the teacher.“他們說了什麼?
老師問道。 "we asked them if a school- teacher came there every afternoon, but they said they had seen no such person."“我們問他們是否每天下午都有老師來找他們,但他們說他們沒有見過這個人。 ”
亞伯拉罕·林肯(Abraham Lincoln)和兩個約翰·甘迺迪(John F. Kennedy)是美國人。1861年,林肯當選**,甘迺迪於1961年成為**。 兩人都被擊中頭部並被擊斃。 他們倆都在星期五。 他們的妻子死了。 >>>More
雷電已經過去,但雨還在下。 貝多芬走在街上,突然看到一盞燈:它來自鞋匠的商店。 天色已晚,但鞋匠還在工作。 在隔壁的房間裡,乙個小女孩坐在鋼琴前彈鋼琴。 >>>More