英語以下八人完成 100

發布 教育 2024-03-28
  1. 匿名使用者2024-02-07

    一。 將以下句子合併為帶有賓語子句的復合橙色 chakai 連詞。

    ask me. what does sam do?

    they ask me if i know what sam does.

    want to know. when can you get home?

    i want to know when you can get home.

    you tell me? why are you late for school today?

    can you tell me why you are late for school today?

    asked tim. where were the skirts on sale?

    mary asked tim if he knew where the skirts were on sale.

    time did danny get up? i don't know.

    i don't know what time danny got up.

    二。 按要求完成句子。

    it true? dark colors make people look thinner.(組合成一句話)。

    is it true that dark colors make people look thinner?

    you tell me? who is ann's father?(合併為乙個回合呼叫)。

    can you tell me who ann's father is?

    listen to the teachers in class is right for the students .(將其用作正式主語)。

    it is right for the students to listen to the teachers in class.

    you tell me what i should wear today ?(與Yiqing相同的句子的轉換)。

    can you tell me what to wear today?

  2. 匿名使用者2024-02-06


    ask me if i know what sam does.

    want to know when you can get home.

    you tell me why you are late for school today?

    asked tim if he knew where the skirts were on sale.


    二。 it true that dark colors make people look thinner?

    you tell me who ann's father is?

    is right for the students to listen to the teachers in class.

    you tell me what to wear today?

  3. 匿名使用者2024-02-05

    1. 1 自己你乙個人2,付3,該做該做的事。

    2. 1. 與 2. 不合時宜 3. 保持

    4 在風格 ( 時尚 , 流行 ) 5 支付 ( ) 6 相處 ( ......相處融洽)

    7 自己 8 是能 9 調 喚 ( ...... )點選 **)。


    3. 1. 可能是 2.呼叫(......3.老式已經過時了。

    4 給她寫一封信 (=給她寫一封信) 5 該怎麼辦 ( )


  4. 匿名使用者2024-02-04

    當有否定含義的詞,如從不、很少、很難、很少、很少、勉強、很少、什麼都沒有等時,以下反意義疑問句為肯定形式:所以,1 could you?

    2. was there? 3.

    can he? 4. does he?

    5. will you?

    選擇部分:1、bso 的所有倒置表示"也"so部分的意思與寬倒過來,意思是談論亮度"絕對"意義。

    2.c a bit 說形容詞時,後跟修飾名詞。因此,C3 c.排成一排的意思是站成一排。 線上上(例如,在網際網絡上或網際網絡上)。

    4. b.

  5. 匿名使用者2024-02-03



    at 通常用於某些地方。

    Until 的意思是直到 . 句子中有意志,所以你不能使用直到。

  6. 匿名使用者2024-02-02

    c 加上未來的一段時間時間表。


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