該公司已經表示,您將被要求在 5 日和 2 日報告。
你可以學中文真的很快 因為怕你很難直接認識漢字,所以我在括號裡寫了音標,這樣你就可以知道發音了。 漢語可以分為漢字和拼音兩部分,下面就是漢字對應的拼音,所以以後只要你寫拼音,每個漢人都會知道。
you learning chinese so quickly--i worry about if you learn chinese directly will be very difficult, therefor,i wrote phonetic in brackets,so you know how to pronounce。
chinese characters and pinyin can be divided into two parts,the following is chinese characters corresponding to the alphabet, so from now on if you just write down pinyin,every single chinese will know.
because there is a holiday, therefore, the efficiency of processing more lower than before.
when can arrange to pay the balance?
in china, korea these countries,spring festival is the most important holiday。
i took a few photos, i think you will like the customs of our country
歐盟。 在2008年的一次災害會議上,歐盟強調需要解決備災不平衡的問題,並發誓要照顧到所有方面。 這突出了會員國之間團結和凝聚力的重要性。 >>>More
這麼多。 乙個段落值 20 分。
chatting with friends to late night, i was not sleepy without enough sleep. breakfast seems turn to dilicious today, maybe for in field. >>>More